Bimaristan and Karentena (Tahaffuzhane)
The Bimaristan is located at a close distance from the Ibrahimi Mosque on the southwest side of it and was established by the Mamluks to serve the patients of Hebron and visitors to the sanctuary, during the reign of Sultan Mansur Qalawun in the year 1281 AD. It was known as Mansouri Bimaristan. The doctors were arranged in shifts to serve the residents of Hebron and visitors to the Haram, including several rooms.
The Ottomans also took care of the city of Hebron and established some public facilities, including a quarantine center established in 1848 AD. In Turkish, it is called "Tahaffuzhane" and is located east of Rumeida and the city cemetery. This center was used to quarantine patients outside the city for fear of disease outbreaks. During the British Mandate, it was called Karentena (meaning quarantine in English). This landmark is still used as a public health clinic, and residents know it as Karentena.