Deir al-Quruntul, Mount of the Temptation
The Mountain of Temptation rises sharply, about 350 meters above sea level, and overlooks a significant view of the Jordan Valley. It is carved into rocks overlooking the city of the moon, Jericho, one of the cities of the Holy Land and the oldest city in history, as it dates back to the Stone Age, about 7000 years BC. The site is famous because it is where Jesus spent 40 days and nights fasting and meditating, after which Satan tempted him. As mentioned in the Gospel of Luke, in this place, Jesus said to Satan, "Man shall not live by bread alone."
monks have inhabited 30 to 40 caves on the eastern slopes of the mountain since the early days of Christianity. Over time, a monastery was built in the sixth century over the cave in which Jesus Christ had risen. This Monastery was restored by Archimandrite Abramius in 1892 AD; then, it was renewed several times. The road to the Monastery must be paved and easier to climb, but it is worth the walk. However, as an alternative, people can use cable cars to reach the heights of the cliff, providing a spectacular view of the valley.
Deir Quruntul Church
There is a small church inside the Monastery, decorated with beautiful symbols. Also, you can find a small staircase leading to the cave with a rock, which is believed that Jesus was resting on that rock while on the mountain.